Thursday, December 11, 2008

December Update

We received an update on our baby. Her most recent picture is adorable. She has bright eyes and a beautiful smile. This is what the agency rep had to say:

“[Sister] has become much more comfortable upright than she ever has before. This is probably a direct correlation to her terrific growth and the strong development of her muscles! She has grown almost 1.5 lbs since her last update, and she carries it well. I've mentioned that her grip is very strong. Well, she proved it when she held onto my fingers as I pulled her to sitting! She even lifted her entire body up when she was on her stomach. That is just one example of how she has grown in the past few weeks! Her eyes followed me around the room, and her attention stayed with me throughout our entire playing time. She has started to use her voice as well, which is great, and she can say ah-goo and other assorted vowel-consonant combinations. I should mention that [Sister] has one of my most favorite smiles of all the kids, because when she smiles, she also buries her face in the blankets!"

Now we hope and pray that our court date goes well and that Sister and all the other children in the foster center stay healthy.


Sparkz said...

I love to hear the updates! Its so fun! Your court date is soon! I bet you are excited! Not much longer! :)