Friday, November 28, 2008


Yesterday, we had the opportunity to share Thanksgiving at our home with friends and family. Chip and I asked every guest to sign our Thankful Journal. We started the tradition a couple of years ago to give everyone a chance to reflect on and record what they are thankful for.

Some of the entries are fun. My youngest sister Anastasia wrote, "I am thankful for people and turkey and dogs. I love dogs!" My nephew Collin is thankful for water. My teenage sisters are thankful for sleep, chocolate and boys.

Others are poignant. Our friend Noline became an American citizen this year and is thankful that she was able to vote in the presidential election. Leon and Val are from communist Russia and are thankful to live in the U.S.A. My friend Jennifer, whose husband is a police officer, wrote that she is thankful "for my husband coming home safe each and every day."

I am thankful for my husband, beautiful boys, community, and extended friends and family. I am also thankful for all of the people who are lovingly caring for our baby girl in Ethiopia until she comes home to us.