Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Ella Update

I have been a very bad blogger lately. I like to think it's because I'm working so hard at being a fabulous Mommy! It's actually because I'm horribly unorganized. Sigh.

Many people have asked for a posting with new photos. Here it is:

In March, Ella cut her two bottom teeth. They came in right around Chip's birthday. She also started saying "Da-da" at about the same time.

In April, Ella sat up on her own, learned to wave, and started crawling. One day, I found her in her room with her toy basket turned over and a big smile on her face!

This month, she has learned to pull herself up to standing, and she has started cruising. She's all over the place, and FAST! It won't be long before she's walking. Hard to believe Ella is already 11 months old. Time is flying!