Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ella at Home

We cannot believe our good fortune. Ella Serena is a fantastic, easygoing, funny, happy person. She fits. We've had a few hiccups the last couple of weeks, but for the most part, our family is functioning beautifully. Both Nathan and Ian have fallen in love with their Baby Sister. They have their moments of resentment because a 7-month-old requires so much attention, but the positive moments and feelings far outweigh the negative.

At the Airport

We've been home almost two weeks, and we've had lots of visitors. Many friends have come bearing gifts and dinner, and we are so grateful! Trying to settle in after our adventure overseas has taken quite a bit of time and energy, and our friends and family have been so thoughtful. I'd forgotten how many loads of laundry and dishes a baby can generate!

Ella with Auntie Kiersty (my dearest, bestest friend)

I'm trying to remember to take photos, but the days seem to get away from me. Here are a few images we've captured of life with Ella at home.


Sparkz said...

The pictures are too cute! I love the updates and esp. the stork! How fun! Glad things are going well! :)

{B} said...

Glad to see you guys are doing good!