Saturday, December 13, 2008


Our boys both celebrate birthdays in December. We started a tradition a couple of years ago - around the boys' birthdays, we pull out their baby books and look at the pictures and reminisce. The boys love to hear stories about when they were "little," and Chip and I get to take a walk down memory lane. Its a wonderful family exercise because it reminds us how very fortunate we are to have each other. Tonight, after we perused the pages of the boys' books, Chip pointed out that we'll need to get a baby book for Sister. I felt excited and a little sad at the prospect. Excited because we get to make new memories with our baby, and sad because we've missed sharing her first six months.

Our court date is fast approaching - four more days to wait. Please send positive thoughts and prayers our way. We need to start making some memories with Sister!


coffeemom said...

Praying for your court date tomorrow!